I Left a Part of My Heart in Norfolk Virginia ….

It the last weekend we really got to spend as a family, I mean like when the kids were both younger and having slumber parties in mom n dads room. It was and will be one of the best nights of my life! It’s rare that we are all in the same place at one time but all the stars aligned and it was just perfection.

The ride to VA was cool, even though I spent most of it in the back seat, mainly because Andrew is like 6 feet tall and I’m only 5 feet and I felt he should be comfortable being the fact he’s going to be living in a ship for the next year.  My NAVY boy!  We got there on Friday and we stayed with him until Sunday. He and his father bonded so much on the ride. It was so great to witness that. To listen to them. See them laugh and crack open a beer together at the hotel. We talked, ate and we laughed! Its one of those times that you know will be etched into your brain for a long time.

He could not check into his ship until Monday, but we had to get back to NY and well its not like its down the road. Sat night somewhere around midnight i was just kinda looking around the room not sleeping because I did not want it to end and I knew when I did go to sleep and wake up the next day it was time to go. I know we will be together again soon, BUT that’s my boy, my first born and I’m supposed to just leave you there. I promised myself no tears and its just a see you later kid, but that of course did not happen! And I left a part of my heart in Virginia.

We are so proud of you kid! We love you to the moon and back, ALWAYS and FOREVER!


Yoga, I think I love you!


If there is one place in the world that i can totally let go its at the yoga studio! I have always wanted to try it and said ok next week or tomorrow and that day never came. Well I was futsing around on Facebook (big surprise there so is half of the world) and I came across a deal, UNLIMITED YOGA, $29.95 a month. Hmmmmm ok so lets ck it out I thought. But alone is no fun, considering the fact that I had never done this before, I was hoping to try it out with a friend. Well guess what, I happen to have a few of them and one who happens to share the same likes as I do.


Ya know when you reconnect with someone that you talk to every once in a while but just have not really had the chance to sit down and really talk, well I found that someone! She is one of the most caring, loving and genuinely down to earth person you will EVER meet and to be honest we connected on not only a friend level but a spiritual one as well. She has helped me to see things on a different level. Thank You Shelby! I am forever grateful to you.

I have never focused on my breath they way I do when I’m in that class. I don’t try to compare myself to anyone. I do what I can do, and I’m getting better at it every time I go. That hour a day that I go is the most peaceful hour ever! This morning I took the time to just sit and meditate at my house before I started my day in the hopes that it would help me get through my day by setting an intention to just take it as it comes and don’t sweat the small stuff.


Although throughout the day we have to remember to let the little things go, take that 10 seconds to focus on your breath, re-connect your self with the universe and breath. I will take ever lesson I have learned doing yoga and apply it to everyday life. Sometimes that’s very challenging when you have kids though..





Brothers, My Heart ❤️, My Boys

Since moving back into our old place every where I turn there is a memory! Well last night we were all siting at our kitchen table and the boys were playing around and then this happened.. I could not help myself but to put the two photos together they are taken 10 years apart from each other! Talk about De Ja Vo!!❤️️😍

The Simple Things

I really don’t need to much in life to make me happy. My family means the world to me. My boys are my world, and my husband all though we can get on each others nerves is my best friend as well as my other half in this thing we call marriage. We are H.S. sweethearts, we have had our ups and downs but guess what we just celebrated 18 years married! 23 years together. Not to shabby!


I love the lil moment In life where you go to the store together, make some small talk and just hang out. Makes some of the coolest memories. We went to the grand opening of Field and Stream and they had some really cool stuff. Hubby needed a sweatshirt. I think between this store, Bass Pro Shop and Cabelas, I never really need to shop anywhere else. ( JK, I do like Kohl’s and a few other stores) they have a very cool display that we took a picture in front of. To some people it might be nothing, but to me its a memory!


I really don’t need much in life, I would take my bed and sweatpants over heels and jeans any day of the week! One on one conversation vs screaming at each other at a loud bar. Don’t get me wrong, I do like to go out every once in a while, but if we don’t get to do it,  it wont kill me either.



I have waited 4 months….


4 months is a long time to not see your son! Its not like he’s away at college he’s in the United States NAVY. Yes I am a proud NAVY mom, but along with that comes I don’t get him on weekends, or holidays unless he’s on leave and we have been very lucky to see him as much as we have. The next time he deploys it will not be on land this time..UGGGGG !


Any way, back to his adventure of leaving his first real  command in the KEYS (for 2 years) the friends he made 1 he has been with from day 1.. and back to Jacksonville for sea school, that was like 6 weeks and that brings us to this past Friday! So his flight is a 7 30 ish so he will be here around 9:30 ish, his friends are picking him up and he’s going to see them then come home. He figures that he would be home by 11 pm and he would sit and relax with us a bit and then go to bed. So I did the mom thing and I washed every bit of clothing he has here, because don’t forget we moved so I had all his clothing all boxed up for the past almost 3 months and they needed to be clean! Washed the sheets the blankets rearranged the room like 5 times cause well I wanted it to be PERECT!

Well 930pm his flight is just taking off, and he’s going to get in at 11 15-11 30 ish and the plan is still to go to his friends and see them then come home. OK …OK.. fine what time will you be here? About 2 ish he says, JEEEEZ ok well I guess I have no choice so ill deal with it.


11:31 PM, and I cant wait another min so I track the flight on Jet Blues flight tracker and low and behold IT LANDED.. as I see that I get a text, HERE!! waiting to get off the plane to get my bags and go! About 10 min later I get another text,  1 of my bags is missing!  OK so now what, he goes to put in a claim, he tired the plane was already delayed and his temper, well I’m sure you can guess just how happy he was. Ad if you have ever been to an airport, then you already know it stress full when nothing goes wrong.

Is now almost 1 am he leaves he airport 1 bag lighter then he got on the plane with!  have done everything I can do from here but all I really want to do is fix the mess and go yell at the jet blue people and tell them to FIND MY KIDS STUFF NOW..and tell him MOMMYS GOING TO TAKE CARE OF IT, BUT he’s like 22 in the NAVY and well he s a man now.

By this point 1m tired its WAYYYYY past my bed time and I’m doing anything to keep my eyes open,  even his little bother gave up by 2 am, he tried, lights on TV blaring but in the end his body said GO TO SLEEP KID your 12!  So I start folding anything in sight, putting everything in a spot, putting my husbands cloths away in the dark, and I decide to sit for a min, that min turned into an hour and now its 2:45 am and I call him.  No answer..I text..SOON?  I get OMY, 2 min  OMG … I hear the car door shut and I can hear his voice. THIS WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT. It was the best hug ever!!! It was short and sweet but it was just the two of us.


You would think I would have slept late the next day, right..WRONG my eye popped open by 9:30 AM, Seriously, WTH. I go get bagels and stuff do what I needed to do and you guessed it, called Jet Blue! YUP, mommy went there and even found the bag . Because that’s what moms do! So by 12:45 in the car with him and back to the airport to pu the bag. They told us to go to lost and found, bag has been tagged and will be with them. LIARS, it was on the carousel ready to be picked up by another passenger. After we came home my body was done and I was not in a functioning mood. Got some Chinese food and crashed.


Needless to say, I would do it 10 times over just to see my boy! Stay tuned for My newest adventure, YOGA.. Yup I started doing Yoga and I love it!





Pets + Moving = STRESS

So where were we, Oh yeah time to move the pets! So as you already know our family consists of Humans, Dogs, 1 Cat ,Bearded Dragon named Odie & Fish! So the time came to get the dogs over, Bella our Boxer and Bailey our Maltese. They had been to moms before as you know from my previous blog during the open house. We had been moving stuff from 8 am that morning, set up 2 bedrooms been back and forth to the storage unit a few times and both of us were wiped out! We had only eaten pizza so energy levels were down and to be honest I needed SLEEP.

Now I had put Oldies light on a timer to go off the next morning, and feed the cat cleaned the litter and left the air on so it would not get hot! I had to go back the next day to finish collecting odds and ends and get the rest of the crew.  Time to harness up the dogs and get them into the van to take to 20 min ride to the new place! THIS RIDE FELT LIKE 20 HOURS!

Besides the van being backed with stuff we left room for the dogs to lay down. But laying down for Bella was not an option.. My husband (she loves him like he’s hers) told her “ok Bella, get in the van and look for me” . He was in the truck in front of me. So she did just that, Stood up with he to front paws on the passenger seat of the van and watched his every move! BELLA I yell, Sit down! Nothing, no blink no eye contact nothing. Bailey just sat there wondering where the HELL are we going?

OMG she had me so nervous cause 1 I’m driving a van with only 2 seats and no way to belt them in and if you could have seen he back legs they were so tense it was crazy, and 2 it was almost 11 pm and I was to say the least tired! We pull up at moms and the first thing I have to do is walk them so they don’t walk into the house and piddle, THAT was interesting! A tired mom and 2 riled up pups. BUT we survived. Bella even got a new bed! Bailey just sleeps with us

Now.. the next morning comes we go for a walk and start to settle down a bit we all eat and now its time to go back to the house to get a few odds and ends and grab the rest of the crew who at this point now wonder where are the humans? Now remember I have packed everything up..Not thinking I have nothing to move the fish with, cause picking up a 10 gallon tank filled with water… not so smart! So the next best thing is the only option I have, my ice bucket..ohh and a paper Burger King cup. I know your laughing now because I was! I literally chased this fish down with a cup, took me like 25 min to get him..every time I thought I had him he escaped. jeeeeez  Odie well that was easy, open the tank put him in the travel tank and load him up. Now the cat.. you would think this would be a cintch…yeah , NO it was not. shes a big girl and an indoor cat who like to eat. So… BIC cat small cary case that I have not used in 8 years. Fun times(not). By this point its dark I have been doing this now for 1 to many hours and I’m done!



All went well even though Missy(the cat ) did nothing but scream the entire 20 min ride so loud that it was hard to drive. But everyone has made there spot in Our New/Old home. Missy actually was quite familiar with this place as she was here 9 years prior.



So all is well on the home front, and tomorrow is a new day, I have some exciting news to share so stay tuned .. ill give you a hint..I have not seen him In almost 7 months!

Being Thankful!



St Thomas, 2016 Our Family Vacation


Before I continue, there is something I  really need to share  with you. The only way this move was made possible was because of the 2 most absolutely incredible parents I have! If it was not for them we would have had no place to move to, where we are getting the chance to actually put money away into our savings acct vs spending it all on every bill known to man kind.

And doing that’s  way harder then you think, because its way easier to take out that debit card and swipe…. swipe…… swipe because there are things you were not able to buy before because they were a WANT, not a need, and all of a sudden you have access to MONEY that you really do need to save fro your next adventure in this “Crazy Thing We Call Life”


So Mom & Dad this ones for you, Thank you for always having our back, for being the best of the best, for loving all of us, and taking us all back in! We all love you! Right down to the Dogs, Cat Fish and Bearded Dragon named “Odie”!

Stay tuned for the next adventure, of getting us all in and settled, and when the cat has absolutely no desire to get onto her carry case…..





SOLD! Now What???

So now the house is sold and the real work begins! First and foremost a storage unit for all the most prized possessions that we have acquired over the past almost 10 years! Until that moment we really had no clue as to how much stuff we really had strewn across the thing we called our home!


Room by room we went, well-tried to..I’m kind of no good at that I was all over the place, one room and then the next room and back to the first one! Well that got old after the first day, and then my husband stepped it and put his foot down. WE NEED TO GO ROOM BY ROOM he says! The plan is 7 days this house is empty & we go to closing! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! That’s the night I had a mini break down and cried. Pack what we need and put the rest in storage. How do I know what I need in 12 days from now, 1 month from now even 3 months from now????? OMG OMG .. I’m stressing out. Since we were moving into our old apt we still needed our bedroom set and bed our kitchen table and our hutch all of our clothing, TV’s and ya know the essentials. We were going to bring our couches and stuff but being the fact they were over 10 years old they went to the curb. You have not seen anything until you watch the garbage truck slowly crush 12 years worth of memories that happened on that couch. Kinda a strange feeling!

I can tell you this… I have soooooo many pictures and frames, I mean boxes and boxes of them! Why cause we actually had a CAMERA and developed film! Needles to say I still had unopened boxes of stuff from when we moved in, apparently I did not miss them so I quickly went through them but chucked most of it. Bags and bags of stuff we did not even need. So we just trashed a lot of it.

I decided that I wanted to have a garage sale cause ya know other people might want the stuff I don’t want to pack. So on the Saturday the week before we close I decide to have the 2 nd one. I had one two weeks prior before we left on vacation. So I pulled out all the tables once again and sat outside in the blazing hot sun and yes I had a tent for myself. Slowly but surely things sold, pretty much gave a lot of it away. Then guess what happened….. The skies opened UP! Anything that was not water proof went into the garbage ( well that made it allot easier) everything else went to the curb.

Now came time to actually get the suff out of the house..It was My husband, myself and our son, (12 years old) I don’t think I had ever seen him pick up an entire dresser and get it down a flight of stairs  (full,6 drawers the long kind, cause by the time it came to do that we were so tired that if we could save 10 min we would)  Put that baby upright on the dolly and he looked at me and said well if it falls down the stairs just let it go! Looks at me again and say Hail Mary and down each step he went and I held my breath until we got It all in the truck. We did this numerous amounts of time with each piece of furniture. until the house was empty. Also a 10 x 10 storage unit gets really full really quickly!  I put over 400 miles on the truck going back and forth, I lifted more boxes than I care to ever do again, I was sore and bruised, WE were tired, and we were sill working each day as well.

But GUESS What ..we did it! We worked together as a team, MY husband is my superman and he worked his ASS off!


Stay tuned to hear our adventure in actually getting all the furniture and all the pets into the apartment..2 Dogs 1 cat 1 bearded dragon and a fish!