The Simple Things

I really don’t need to much in life to make me happy. My family means the world to me. My boys are my world, and my husband all though we can get on each others nerves is my best friend as well as my other half in this thing we call marriage. We are H.S. sweethearts, we have had our ups and downs but guess what we just celebrated 18 years married! 23 years together. Not to shabby!


I love the lil moment In life where you go to the store together, make some small talk and just hang out. Makes some of the coolest memories. We went to the grand opening of Field and Stream and they had some really cool stuff. Hubby needed a sweatshirt. I think between this store, Bass Pro Shop and Cabelas, I never really need to shop anywhere else. ( JK, I do like Kohl’s and a few other stores) they have a very cool display that we took a picture in front of. To some people it might be nothing, but to me its a memory!


I really don’t need much in life, I would take my bed and sweatpants over heels and jeans any day of the week! One on one conversation vs screaming at each other at a loud bar. Don’t get me wrong, I do like to go out every once in a while, but if we don’t get to do it,  it wont kill me either.



Being Thankful!



St Thomas, 2016 Our Family Vacation


Before I continue, there is something I  really need to share  with you. The only way this move was made possible was because of the 2 most absolutely incredible parents I have! If it was not for them we would have had no place to move to, where we are getting the chance to actually put money away into our savings acct vs spending it all on every bill known to man kind.

And doing that’s  way harder then you think, because its way easier to take out that debit card and swipe…. swipe…… swipe because there are things you were not able to buy before because they were a WANT, not a need, and all of a sudden you have access to MONEY that you really do need to save fro your next adventure in this “Crazy Thing We Call Life”


So Mom & Dad this ones for you, Thank you for always having our back, for being the best of the best, for loving all of us, and taking us all back in! We all love you! Right down to the Dogs, Cat Fish and Bearded Dragon named “Odie”!

Stay tuned for the next adventure, of getting us all in and settled, and when the cat has absolutely no desire to get onto her carry case…..





SOLD! Now What???

So now the house is sold and the real work begins! First and foremost a storage unit for all the most prized possessions that we have acquired over the past almost 10 years! Until that moment we really had no clue as to how much stuff we really had strewn across the thing we called our home!


Room by room we went, well-tried to..I’m kind of no good at that I was all over the place, one room and then the next room and back to the first one! Well that got old after the first day, and then my husband stepped it and put his foot down. WE NEED TO GO ROOM BY ROOM he says! The plan is 7 days this house is empty & we go to closing! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! That’s the night I had a mini break down and cried. Pack what we need and put the rest in storage. How do I know what I need in 12 days from now, 1 month from now even 3 months from now????? OMG OMG .. I’m stressing out. Since we were moving into our old apt we still needed our bedroom set and bed our kitchen table and our hutch all of our clothing, TV’s and ya know the essentials. We were going to bring our couches and stuff but being the fact they were over 10 years old they went to the curb. You have not seen anything until you watch the garbage truck slowly crush 12 years worth of memories that happened on that couch. Kinda a strange feeling!

I can tell you this… I have soooooo many pictures and frames, I mean boxes and boxes of them! Why cause we actually had a CAMERA and developed film! Needles to say I still had unopened boxes of stuff from when we moved in, apparently I did not miss them so I quickly went through them but chucked most of it. Bags and bags of stuff we did not even need. So we just trashed a lot of it.

I decided that I wanted to have a garage sale cause ya know other people might want the stuff I don’t want to pack. So on the Saturday the week before we close I decide to have the 2 nd one. I had one two weeks prior before we left on vacation. So I pulled out all the tables once again and sat outside in the blazing hot sun and yes I had a tent for myself. Slowly but surely things sold, pretty much gave a lot of it away. Then guess what happened….. The skies opened UP! Anything that was not water proof went into the garbage ( well that made it allot easier) everything else went to the curb.

Now came time to actually get the suff out of the house..It was My husband, myself and our son, (12 years old) I don’t think I had ever seen him pick up an entire dresser and get it down a flight of stairs  (full,6 drawers the long kind, cause by the time it came to do that we were so tired that if we could save 10 min we would)  Put that baby upright on the dolly and he looked at me and said well if it falls down the stairs just let it go! Looks at me again and say Hail Mary and down each step he went and I held my breath until we got It all in the truck. We did this numerous amounts of time with each piece of furniture. until the house was empty. Also a 10 x 10 storage unit gets really full really quickly!  I put over 400 miles on the truck going back and forth, I lifted more boxes than I care to ever do again, I was sore and bruised, WE were tired, and we were sill working each day as well.

But GUESS What ..we did it! We worked together as a team, MY husband is my superman and he worked his ASS off!


Stay tuned to hear our adventure in actually getting all the furniture and all the pets into the apartment..2 Dogs 1 cat 1 bearded dragon and a fish!



Hello Again!


Hello Again!  So it only took me 2 hours to figure out how to get my Blog all updated and shiny and all new again, LOL ! I wanted to get back on here and start blogging again because I like it and its fun! BUT, now its like after 10 pm and i have to be up in a few hours to get my butt to work…. Although I want to share so many cool things that have happened over the past 2 years.

So i hope you will join me on my journey to tell you about them, from another broken arm for lil man to actually selling our home for our new adventures in this Crazy Thing We Call Life!

Whats your story?

There are so many different home based business out there that it really makes it so hard to choose which one is right for you. I have been through many of them.( Discovery Toys, Tubberwear, Jewels By Park Lane (By far one of the best), Thirty One, Tastefully Simple and each time I tryed my hardest) My friends would say to me OHHHH BOY here we go again, ANOTHER show anotherrrr try, shes at it again. And I feel that they were actually getting annoyed with me. And im sure they were. But it is what it is. BUTTTTT guesss what that never stops me and I will always look for new ways to make things happen. As i had written in a previous post i will be starting a new venture in life and I hope that this will be the one! Origami Owl, I have loved there product for so long and I wear my necklace all the time and I get sooo many complements on it that I feel I should try to sell it on my own! Well not on my own, With the help of my friend Michelle who I feel is an absolutely AMAZING person and I for one am so proud to call her my friend. I look forward to working with her and hopefully taking this all the way! You should think about starting your own story with me….

“You tell stories with words..We tell stories with Jewelry” credit to Origami Owl


I will be hosting my party on May 30th that will be my coming out party. I hope that you will take a few min and take a look at the jewelry, Because as Michelle just stated too me “Its more then just jewelry, Its a feeling, a memory, Its your story” I am going to post a few links here and YOU can see for yourself why i am choosing Origami Owl..

Please feel free to join my party and help me be a success




Life goes on…I just like this poem

I was searching the internet because i wanted to find a poem, And i came across this and i think it is cute and light ..not to heavy but just right for my blog so i will share this with you. I did not write it and i dont see an author or anything but to whomever did.. i will share it for you





Just about done with the kitchen..BUT not yet

Again… Lol. Well I have to get this kitchen done. Second weekend and the walls are painted. I even had a lil help. My husband said to me would you like me to paint the doors and my lil man wanted nothing more than to get his hands on a paint brush. I kept telling him ok next wall sweetie, next wall! Well he finally said “MOM, there’s only one wall left!!! PLEASE LET ME PAINT”. Ok ok how can i say no to this face?!?!?

a day at the park 003

Now what you have to remember is I have two dogs who are running around long with a lil man who is board and wants nothing more to do then paint and play the question game! The I want this and that game, and the all but to familiar ” IM BOARD” so after a morning full of that I decided to get him out of the house and save my sanity .. I’ll just paint when he goes to bed!

Off to the park we went to have a football catch and to take some really cool pictures

a day at the park 019   a day at the park 017  a day at the park 020

a day at the park 021  a day at the park 022  a day at the park 026

So after the park we went to Friendlys to end our day out,had some ice cream and a few laughs! I learned a few more things about football and how much fun it is to just get out of the house. I forgot that with all the hustle and bustle of  every day life that we just need to live life and not let it fly by.

I love you kiddo..To the moon and back…